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Performing keyword research has never been easier.

You are just a click away from finding (real) keywords that should matter the most!

Find your easy-win keywords ->  Start writing ->  Boost Ranking

Trusted by teams at

Discover easy-to-rank with data driven insights.

No more manual SERP analysis, KD is not working (at least for us), we don’t believe it blindly and we hope you don’t either. You will save a lot of time using this tool.

Find weak spots

Low domain authority, UGC websites like Quora, Reddit…, social media, Forums and files are identified as weak spots, and is represented in a very easy to understand manner.

Track your rank

Keep track of your ranking with Rank Tracker. Identify the changes in the SERP position and compare it with your competitor and stay ahead of their game.

Longtail keyword ideas

Generate long-tail keyword ideas from Google Autocomplete database. You can also perform wildcard (*) searches and filter keywords based on intent

Dominate with data

Weak spots, keyword golden ratio, relevancy, CPC, related results, people also ask results and many more data points to make data driven decisions for you SEO game.

Find untapped keywords with filters and analysis .

We don’t mess around when it comes to metrics. RankAtom delivers the full package. We’ll even break down the types of websites dominating the rankings. Check if the SERPS contains weak spots like low DA, UGC, etc.



Get keyword ideas for your niche



Find weak spot in SERP



Start ranking on Google SERP

Transform your data into actionable insights

Easy-to-win keywords for every kind of niche

Discover more keywords straight from the mighty Google, all at your fingertips! Live with intent tagged.

Choose your flexible plan

It’s the right time to put SEO on steroid, pick any plan that fits your needs.


For individuals




For growing teams




For scaling business




For large organization

Contact Us

We help 2,000+ business like you to rank better.

Frequently asked questions

Whether you’re looking to improve your SEO strategy or perform keyword research at scale, our platform has you covered.

How different is it from KD?

Keyword difficulty is a very old metric to gauge how difficult it is to rank a keyword. We have a data driven approach to determine if it is a weak spots. We use low DA, UGC websites and other metrics to determine if the keyword is difficult to rank.

Can I import keywords from other tools?

Yes! You can easily import keyword data into RankAtom from other applications.

Is your data real-time?

We don’t cache the data, we get all our data in ral-time as we found that, real-time data is very critical when it comes to SEO as Google keeps on changing it algorithm every single day.

Where do we get our data?

We get our data directly from the source. Data points like Search Volume, CPC, Trends, etc. are directly fetched from Google Ads. Keyword Idea generation is done by querying Google Autocomplete database. DA, domain age is taken from MOZ and WhoIs database.

What does 1 keyword credit means?

One keyword credits can be used for generating keyword ideas, analysing the keyword to find weak spots in SERP, finding KGR score and for Rank Tracking

Where do we get our data?

We get our data directly from the source. Data points like Search Volume, CPC, Trends, etc. are directly fetched from Google Ads. Keyword Idea generation is done by querying Google Autocomplete database. DA, domain age is taken from MOZ and WhoIs database.

Do you have a freelance program?

Yes, our Starter plan is designed for freelancer

What is the creator program?

Creator program is designed to facilitate creators with keyword research process. They can register with us and will receive $1 for every 1,000 views. Minimum payout $20 (20k views). Apply to this program here.

This is for you 🫵 if you are a

Whether you’re looking to start a new business, expand your current one, or consolidate debt, we have the options and expertise to help you achieve your financial goals.

SEO Agency

SEO agencies can use RankAtom to provide comprehensive ranking reports to their clients, showcasing improvements, identifying areas of growth, and justifying the effectiveness of their SEO strategies.

Content Strategist

Content marketers can leverage RankAtom’s clustering feature and intent filtering to align their content strategy with user search intent, creating more relevant and targeted content for their audience.​


Bloggers can use RankAtom to quickly find easy-to-rank keywords, saving time on manual research and increasing their chances of ranking higher in search engine results.


Advertisers running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns can use RankAtom to find relevant and low-difficulty keywords for their ads, improving their ad quality score and reducing advertising costs.

Brand Managers

Brands can monitor real-time search insights using RankAtom to understand how their brand is being perceived, stay on top of trending topics, and address potential reputation issues promptly.


E-commerce businesses can identify low-competition keywords with RankAtom, optimizing product descriptions and titles to increase visibility and drive more organic traffic to their online stores.

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