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Get paid 💸 to create, in 3 easy steps

Join the RankAtom influencer program and earn money for your YouTube content. Earn up to $5,000 per month.

Create YouTube video on RankAtom.

Do what you do best, pull out your phone / camera and start creating the content! Need some inspo? Take look at some example.

  • Review the platform

  • Use in the daily life

Share your link with our BD team.

On your creator platform just upload the link of the content. It will be added to tracking once approved.

  • Easy tracking

  • Add or remove links

  • Daily updates

Get paid for the views your content gets.

We’ll send you $1 or 100 recurring credits for every 1,000 views your post receives. Minimum payout $20 (20k views).

Update your link or email us after posting your video and get paid via the payment method of your choice.

There are No Stupid Questions, Ask Away, We’re All Ears

Answers to common questions. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Email us at creator@rankatom.com

Is there a max payout cap?

We cap the maximium payout at $5,000 USD per video. This is for videos that reach 5 million views and above.

Which currency do you pay in?

We will pay you in USD $, INR ₹.

How will you pay me?

We can pay you in Wise, Venmo, PayPal, Crypto, Bank Transfer. Simply let us know what works best for you.

When do I get paid?

We measure the content performance within 14 days of upload. You will receive a payout that is reflective of the content views within the 14 day window.

Payments will be processed within 30 days of the 14 day window ending.

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